The Secondary World

Like Alice through the Looking Glass, three years ago I fell through the screen of my iMac into the brave new world of Second Life. It took awhile to get my bearings. This blog started as a record of my role-playing there, but has mutated into a bit more. Here are my travels across the sims and strange lands of the Secondary World.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The emDash Device

The emDash Device

If any good came of the Time War, it was the brief reawakening that swept over Gallifrey before the Fall. After untold millennia of relying upon ancient technologies perfected by out ancestors, the Time Lords shook off the dust of ages and began to invent new wonders in their struggle against the Dalek Imperium. The Novatech facilties produced many such remarkable things, one of which is the “emDash.”

The Transmat Beam

The emDash is a personal device worn upon the Time Lord that serves a variety of functions. It is a sensor system that alerts me to the presence and positions of those in my vacinity, and allows me—if I wish it—to observe them from afar. It is a teleportation unit that can send me instantly to locations I have visited, to other individuals within sensor range, or to any location my camera is currently trained upon. It creates an energy platform beneath my feet that allows me to walk as easily across liquid or gas as I might solids. It can render me invisible. It can store, and instantly materialize, a wide range of equipment, devices, and even entire chambers when and where I need them. There is a time dilation function that allows me to “run” suddenly at immense speeds. And it is completely compatible with the Novatech console room aboard my Time Capsule. A wondrous machine.

The Energy Platform

Most recently the emDash saved my life at Innsmouth. Though in the Lost Ages my people vied with the Old Ones and won, I was not prepared to deal with one of their living spawn when I came upon it unawares in the swamp. Though I could have called The Fallen Hour to me, pressed for time I used the emDash to instantly transport myself away.  

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