The Secondary World

Like Alice through the Looking Glass, three years ago I fell through the screen of my iMac into the brave new world of Second Life. It took awhile to get my bearings. This blog started as a record of my role-playing there, but has mutated into a bit more. Here are my travels across the sims and strange lands of the Secondary World.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Back to Zenobia

I slipped aboard the Zenobia Time Station again to investigate more fully.  I was able to confirm some of the rumors I had heard, and made some intriguing discoveries.

The Station is indeed managed by the Ceruleans.  One of the six Chapters of the Time Lord Academy, the Ceruleans were part of the second tier, after the three most powerful Chapters, the Prydonians, Arcalians, and Patrex (I was myself Arcalian).  The Ceruleans had little political power or influence on Gallifrey, so why they were chosen to survive here in this parallel dimension is unclear to me.  What is clear is that these particular Ceruleans have achieved impressive accomplishments in this Second Life.

The Console Room

The Station is itself a massive, functioning Time Travel device, not unlike the installations and battle fleets of the late Time War.  I was not able to examine the console too closely, as it is defended and can kill intruders.  But the design was innovative, indicative of the technologies recovered during the War.  It is place directly over the Cloisters and the Eye of Harmony.

Zenobia has all you might expect of a Time Lord facility.  Aside from the Console and the Eye, there is a Zero Room, various grand libraries, observation chambers, gardens and pools, advanced planetariums.  I also discovered a Dalek research center, indicating that the Ceruleans are conducting some sort of research into our enemies.  Have the Daleks also survived here?

These Ceruleans also have a museum dedicated to Gallifrey and the Doctor, as well as recreational centers like a bar and club.  This troubled me a little.  It tells me they hold the Doctor in high regard, and opinion I cannot share.

The Zenobia Station is a spectacle indeed, a fascinating place to see.  My kindred have done well there, but I am no closer to presenting myself to them.    

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